The Week Ahead (10- 15 October 2016)
Our Activities for the week:
10 October 2016
Our statelessness team will be conducting a 4 day training on statelessness for the Legal Aid Board in Pretoria for 29 senior attorneys.
For more information on the statelessness project read our latest report on childhood statelessness here:
To follow the training use #childrightsSA or follow @LHR_SA
11 October 2016
The land and housing Programme will be in the North Gauteng High Court (Pretoria) for the Mary Mahube matter. The matter deals with black women in townships who are struggling to get ownership of “old stock - houses”. The case will be live tweeted; you can follow it using #LandRights or by following us on @LHR_SA
Our Environmental Rights programme will also be in the North Gauteng High Court (Pretoria) for the Blyvoor water case. This has been an ongoing case since last year whereby the Merafong municipality was (according to an agreement reached) to instruct Rand Water to reconnect the water supply to the embattled Blyvooruitzicht mine.
For more information on what happened in this case last year, read the article written by Sheree Bega
13 October 2016
Our Strategic Litigation Programme will be in court for the Community health Workers Case arguing for these workers to be directly and permanently employed by the Department of Health.
This case made it into the spotlight months ago when the workers went on strike, you can read one of the articles on it in the Business Day:
This case will be live tweeted, you can follow it using #WorkersRights or by following us on@LHR_SA
In the evening at 18h30, our statelessness project manager will be on the constitutional law radio programme on Radio Today, discussing statelessness. This radio programme is hosted every second Thursday evening by Patrick Bracher of Norton Rose Fulbright SA.
14 October 2016
Sanja Bornman, our Gender Equality programme manager will be attending a meeting hosted by the Shukumisa Campaign.
The Shukumisa Campaign was launched in 2008 by members of the National Working Group on Sexual Offences (NWGSO). The NWGSO was originally formed in 2004 to advocate around the proposed Sexual Offences Bill. When the Criminal Law [Sexual Offences and Related Matters] Amendment Act no. 32 of 2007 (Sexual Offences Act) was passed in late 2007, the NWGSO turned its focus to the implementation of the Sexual Offences Act and reformulated itself as the Shukumisa Campaign.
If you need more information on the campaign you can visit their website:
Closing remarks:
We are also involved in assisting students that have been arrested during the #FeesMustFall campaign.
Students that are in need of legal information, advice and assistance with protests can contact the Right2Protest on 076 318 8843 or 076 265 9085
That wraps up our week, don't forget to visit our website for more details on all our cases and activities: